Weekly 2k12 Roundup: January 30-February 5

    Unless you were glued to your Twitter feed this week, you probably missed something. If you did, North By Northwestern has you covered. Here’s what you didn’t catch from this week in the GOP ’12 field.

    In a gaffe that many are using to question Mitt Romney's relatability to America's much-talked-about "everyman," Romney told CNN that he isn't "concerned about the very poor" because of the safety net he says exists for this segment of the population. This comment, which he later defended in an equally painful apology, reminded many of President Obama's controversial "guns and religion" soundbyte from his candidacy, leading people to speculate about a campaign cycle predicated on which candidate is the most detached.

    Prostitutes for Paul

    In probably one of the most awaited presidential endorsements of the 2012 season, the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada came out for libertarian contender Ron Paul. This represents a change from the company's support in the 2008 election, when the majority of its 500 employees thought Obama should be president. 


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