To endings and new beginnings

    As finals week (or, in some cases, midterm week seven) creeps closer and closer, it’s finally clear that we’re almost to the end of Winter Quarter. We’re also at the end of our rope, but that’s all right: This week, we’re celebrating (or mourning, in Huckabee’s case) endings and new beginnings.

    On Monday, President Henry Bienen announced his impending retirement. While we’re sorry to see the man who quintupled Northwestern’s endowment go, we’re excited for new meat, too. For Northwestern’s next president (and I’m sure the rest of the university will back me up on this), I nominate Bret McKenzie, of Flight of the Conchords. I have a feeling students will be much more inclined (read: willing to camp out) to attend subsequent State of the University addresses.

    On a similar note, Jonathan Webber, Associated Student Government president, will end his term this spring.

    Whether you knew it or not, Green Cup 2008 ended on Tuesday. Shepard and Willard were the winners of the non-food service and food service dorms, respectively (go here to see final rankings). I’m hoping the prizes will be something the whole university can enjoy, like solar-powered classrooms. Or free pizza.

    We all know that Dance Marathon is taking place this weekend — and it’s both a beginning and an end. It’s an end to the agony of collecting money. But it’s the beginning of 30 hours of a different kind of agony. Mostly back pain and bad music.

    It was a new beginning for Jim Phillips, who was named Northwestern’s new Director of Athletics. Phillips previously held the same job at Northern Illinois University. Let’s hope he’ll be NU athletics’ lucky charm.

    Ann Adams has returned to her post as Northwestern’s Associate Vice President for research integrity and Director of the office for research integrity. Essentially, she’s in charge of making sure Northwestern’s research methods have integrity and are compliant with The Rules. I fully expect the immediate release of the monkeys allegedly being tested on in the basement of Tech.

    I’d be lying if I said it was a good quarter, Wildcats. Just save that pent-up emotion for Spring Break in Cabo, and by next quarter you’ll have forgotten all about it. Literally.


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