Undergrad consulting team wins championship

    An undergraduate consulting team of four captured the national championship of the Deloitte Consulting Undergraduate Case Competition in Dallas on Friday, March 1.

    Weinberg juniors Amrit Kanesa-Thasan, Kevin Yao and Tori Zuzelo, along with Communication junior Eileen Flaherty, Political Science professor Mark Iris and Deloitte analyst Todd Siegel (WCAS '12) presented analysis of a predetermined case from host Deloitte Consulting and answered questions from a panel of Deloitte consultants in order to win.

    Mark Witte, director of undergraduate studies in the Economics department, praised the juniors in a press release:

    "Outlined against a blue, gray February sky the Four Horsemen rode again.

    In dramatic lore they are known as famine, pestilence, destruction and death. These are only aliases. Their real names are: Flaherty, Kanesa-Thasan, Yao and Zuzelo. They formed the crest of the Northwestern cyclone before which another fighting host of teams from the best colleges in America were swept over the precipice in Dallas this weekend as Deloitte’s senior management peered down upon the bewildering panorama spread out upon the green plain below."

    According to the release, 25 teams applied for the opportunity to compete in the schoolwide competition, where five ultimately presented their analyses of cases to a panel of Deloitte consultants on Feb. 1. The winning team then traveled to Dallas on Feb. 28 with their advisers for the national championship, where they competed against teams from Cornell University, UCLA and the University of Pennsylvania, among others. The winners received $1000 in scholarship money "and fame for Northwestern as a consulting powerhouse."


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