Candidates kick off 2013 election season

    ASG's election season began Sunday night at four different ASG president/executive vice president camps with a series of launch events. As per official election rules, candidates could not publicly discuss their candidacies until 12:01 a.m. Monday morning.

    Weinberg junior Ani Ajith and McCormick junior Alex Van Atta met in the Office of African American Student Affairs at 1914 Sheridan Road for their launch event. Van Atta currently serves as ASG's student life vice president, while Ajith served as speaker of the Senate until Wednesday, when he was succeeded by Weinberg junior Katie Funderburg.

    SESP juniors David Harris and Josephine Lee publicly announced their candidacy in a launch party at the McCormick Tribune Center early Monday morning. Harris currently serves as services vice president on ASG's Executive Board, while Lee has formerly served as ASG treasurer.

    Weinberg juniors Aaron Zelikovich and Henry Brooke held a private celebration with their supporters at Hillel. Zelikovich has previously served as the Greek caucus whip, while Brooke served on the 2012 ASG Election Commission.

    SESP junior Benison Choi and Weinberg junior Danny Kim hosted an unofficial celebration just after midnight as well. Choi has previously served as the senator for 1835 Hinman, while Kim has previously served as the senator for CCI and Slivka.

    Elections for ASG president and executive vice president will be held on April 19.


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