Think the moon was red this week? Check out your face

    On Wednesday night, we watched the lunar eclipse blush our moon a deep, fervent red. And at Northwestern this week, we all found something to turn red about, whether in anger, embarrassment or frustration.

    Our cheeks started burning with jealousy last Saturday, when we couldn’t see B.J. Novak because the tickets had sold out in 45 minutes. Instead, we watched Facebook profile pictures change into poses with the Office star, then settle for his speech on YouTube (and now the video isn’t even available).

    Photo by Mr. Gunn on Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons.

    Speaking of the online boob tube, Northwestern decided to use its new YouTube channel to further typecast us as “Nerdwestern.” Are convenient, short clips about our prestigious academic achievements circulating the Internet really necessary? Wasn’t re-hashing that depressingly ’90s-looking “Northwestern: Good Thinking” commercial bad enough?

    With the onset of Spring Quarter registration and the constant nuisance of our temperamental friend CAESAR, plenty of us had reason to complain about our late registration times, which will no doubt stick us in classes scheduled during peak beach-lounging hours. Or maybe we’re just mad because Human Sexuality isn’t offered again Spring Quarter.

    And while we’re sure the new School of Music building scheduled to begin construction in 2009 is sure to look great, it’s also unlikely we’ll be looking at the finished product before graduation. Which means good news for the university is more bad news for us: The construction we’ve been waiting to end is here to stay.

    Dancers also had reason to feel bad, since the Dance Marathon final money deadline on Thursday snuck up on them, meaning many will be pulling the dough from their starved student pockets. It didn’t help that the heartfelt speeches at the DM Kickoff meeting on Tuesday played a guilt trip on participants.

    But perhaps the most reddening topic of discussion this week was the recent explosion of Dean Lavine’s Quotegate (see here, here, here, here and here). The quick succession of a faculty statement, a student statement and the dean’s long-awaited statement had our heads spinning, not to mention outside media coverage, particularly from the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times. And you know you’ve gone a step too far when you’ve angered the masses enough to create Facebook groups.

    And instead of texting us, this time President Henry Bienen got on record with the State of the University address. His words felt reassuring enough, even if it was the cold comfort of Qatari journalism. It’s too bad Northwestern was either too busy freaking out or sleeping in to pay attention.

    Sorry about the tough week, Northwestern. After that primal scream, even mid-day Sheridan will feel quiet.


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