The End is nigh: Wrestlepocalypse gets ready
  • Max Kramer and Tim Sullivan gives a post-rehearsal talk to get the cast and crew pumped up for the show. Sullivan tried out his freshman year. "I loved doing improv and I loved wrestling so this was perfect for me," said Sullivan.
  • The wrestlers cheer on each other during each match. "No one is mean, everyone is so nice," said School of Communication junior Anna Basile, one of the wrestlers of the show.
  • After several long minutes of fighting, Anastasia puts Jocasta into a chokehold.
  • Ron Jeremy Sr. holds down Daniel Day Lewis as Ron Jeremy Jr. slams him.
  • Betty White watches on as Bad Dad helps his daughter kick the Jokester.
  • Dancers including Britney Spears and Charlie XCX perform an opening act before the fighting began.
  • Dance Marathon Canners team up to defeat Jan and Jurgen. "It's a great tradition here at Northwestern," said Andrew Barbakoff, one of the Dance Marathon Canners. "It's something that everyone can enjoy."
  • Head writers Sarah Sherman and Scott Egleston edit the script while the dress rehearsal goes on in order to improve the flow of the show. "It's so fun to see what people come up with and how we bounce off each other," said School of Communication freshman Jess Zeidman, one of the writers.
  • School of Communication junior Wes Humphrey and School of Communication senior Wyatt Fair get ready to announce Wrestlepocalypse IX. "It's a really cool, creative process," said one of the actors, School of Communication freshman Neal Davidson. "We work really together as a team."
  • In the last match Babyface Tim and the Mayor of Wrestleton face off.

Outside Shanley Pavilion on Wednesday night, all is peaceful. However, step inside the building and students are getting ready for the ninth annual Wrestlepocalypse, a faux-wrestling performance hosted by Vertigo Productions.

The cast and crew ran through the entire show, which includes an opening dance act, intense fighting and a dramatic story. Some of the characters include (a fake) Charlie XCX, Oedipus, (an also fake) Daniel Day Lewis and many more. Although Wrestlepocalypse may seem like an actual, violent wrestling match, the show is acturally written by both writers and the actors.

Wrestlepocalypse's first show was in 2007 and traditionally takes place on the Friday before Dillo Day. The show is also notable for including actors who have never had experience acting before.

Wrestlepocalypse IX will take place at Shanley Pavilion Friday on Thursday at 8 p.m. and Friday at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m.


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