The A-Team chalks campus
    Better get used to the chalk. Photo by Alexa Fogler / North by Northwestern

    As far as campaigning goes, Austin and Ash have hit the ground running. We’re already seeing their logo all over Facebook –- a simple yet decisive “A,” which works on several levels. It could stand for Austin, Ash, ASG, Awesome or even Adulterer (just kidding -– that would be scarlet, not blue). Or it could work on an additional level, with the “A” representing the grade their performance will hopefully earn if the pair is elected.

    In contrast, a strong Facebook presence is still yet to be seen from Matt and Jazzy and could prove detrimental. If we’ve learned anything from Egypt, we’ve learned that Facebook is critical in any modern-day political revolution, particularly because Facebook has also helped us find the link to Austin and Ash’s official ASG website, further advancing their campaign. I’m a sucker for alliteration, so I’m definitely on board with their online rhetoric: ASG should “proactively perceive campus concerns” and acknowledge that “consistent communication with each member of campus is key.” I’m not really sure what all this means exactly, but the sweet and soothing sounds of alliteration tend to sway me on most issues either way.

    Austin and Ash’s blue “A” can already be seen chalked on various NU sidewalks –- another crucial component of clever campus campaigning concepts (okay, I’ll stop now). Not only have they snagged the coveted, symbolic spot right below the Arch, they’ve also marked their territory in the sorority quad.

    This “A” is not quite ubiquitous yet, but is definitely making a splash in the ASG campaign pool. Here, it’s also rocking the whole staircase-painting thing the Museum of Contemporary Art does, so bonus points for adding an artsy edge.

    Austin and Ash are certainly leaving their mark on our streets, our interwebs, and hopefully our hearts. But it’s important to remember: chalk fades, and the Internet’s just a fad. So stay tuned, because it’s still anyone’s game.


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