ASG Post-election

    The dust has settled. Elections are over. But that doesn’t mean the campaigns won’t live on in my heart. And, perhaps more prominently, in my nightmares:


    Photo courtesy of Facebook



    Really, look at that version of Austin and Ash’s logo for a few seconds and tell me you’re not going to have crazy sci-fi alien zombie horror movie dreams tonight. It’s even scarier than the spindly hands from Matt and Jazzy’s campaign.

    But I must extend a congratulations to both campaign teams for giving it their all and getting people engaged. And if anybody’s got any leftover chalk, hit me up and maybe we can all do some kind of non-partisan mural sometime.

    I’m still a little upset nobody has promised me free CTA U-Passes, but I guess I’ll get over it. And contrary to popular belief, ASG still exists even after elections end, so stay tuned for more updates.


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