Watch Delta Sigma Theta and Phi Beta Sigma perform at Ryan Auditorium. Video by Tom Giratikanon. |
Seven NU fraternities and sororities entertained a packed Ryan Auditorium on Sunday night at the National Pan-Hellenic Council’s annual Greek Scene step show.
The council oversees the activity of historically black Greek sororities and fraternities at Northwestern, including Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi and Zeta Phi Beta. The groups performed for a panel of eight judges, who selected a best female group, Alpha Kappa Alpha, and a best male group, Phi Beta Sigma.
In between the performances, the audience of several hundred people became part of the show. Eight girls competed for gift certificates in a dance contest on stage, and host MC Nook gave a single guy and girl passes to a movie and a gift certificate to Chili’s. Throughout the two and a half hours, the audience hooted, hollered and danced.
Weinberg sophomore Ashley Davis, who performed a step routine as a member of Delta Sigma Theta, said bringing the groups together was the most important part of the competition.
“It creates a sense of unity,” Davis said. “It brings everyone together. It’s something we can all participate in and show our support for one another.”
Correction: Due an editing error, the initial version of this article erroneously described Phi Beta Sigma as a sorority. Phi Beta Sigma is a fraternity.