Winter Campaign aims to increase ASG's exposure, improve reputation

    Shalini Singh expects a cynical response whenever she describes her involvement with ASG.

    “People ask me, ‘Why are you wasting your time with ASG?’” the Weinberg freshman said. “Let’s be honest, ASG did not do what it was supposed to last year.”

    As leader of ASG’s Winter Campaign, Singh hopes to help the organization become more accessible and accountable to students through firesides, forums and a new ASG Web site.

    “Hopefully we are able to reach out to students, to let them know if you have an idea or concern, you can just bring it to us. After all, we are here to serve you, and we will do our best to address those problems,” Singh said.

    Allison Hall hosted the first fireside last week, while Slivka held one on Tuesday and ISRC held a fireside on Wednesday. Topics included the availability of senators to students, shuttle service to South Campus and meal plans.

    The Winter Campaign will also create forums between administrators and faculty, Facebook groups, pamphlets and a revamped, interactive ASG Web site.

    The Web site will be available as early as March and will feature an online chat room where students can compliment, propose or tear apart ASG policy.

    ASG Student Services Vice President Nate Perkins hopes bettering communication between ASG and students will improve ASG’s reputation on campus as well as its effectiveness.

    He believes that the behind-the-scenes nature of ASG’s work has kept many students in the dark about what the organization does for them.

    “Every year we accomplish a lot of great initiatives and get a lot done, but people don’t necessarily see that,” the McCormick junior said. “This year has been a big push within ASG to expose the campus more to what we’re doing.”

    Medill sophomore Daniel Bristow said the new campaign sounds promising, but hopes ASG’s recent emphasis on transparency succeeds. “Quite frankly, I never know that they do,” Bristow said. “ASG does a lot of stuff that affects me, and I would like to know about it.”

    Perkins said preconceived notions about ASG are common. “People make assumptions about ASG based on what they’ve read and what they’ve heard,” Perkins said. “People don’t interact with us on a face-to-face basis, and they have misnomers and assumptions about the type of work ASG does.”

    The Winter Campaign is ASG’s chance to break down that perception. “This is a way for us to directly answer questions students have, and to tell students what we can do for them and how they can get involved. Face time itself is going to be invaluable,” Perkins said.

    While the Winter Campaign may seem limited to the cold three months of Winter Quarter, Singh said the program is only the beginning: “The initial response is good. But there are a lot of changes to be made, and it can’t be done in one campaign.”

    “ASG has a lot of potential, and we need people to step up and own up to responsibility,” Singh said. “Hopefully this will continue and help students find more confidence in ASG.”


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