Shit Tour Guides Say

    “‘One hour in the classroom does not actually mean two hours of work outside it.’ I’ve found that to be a blatant lie.” – Max Zoia, Weinberg freshman

    “Tour guides always seems to talk about how massive Tech is...but in the end, who is going to pick NU because Tech has over seven miles of hallways?” – Colin Wang, Weinberg freshman

    “I remember my tour guide saying NU was second-best in the nation for food, and now I literally eat Sargent chicken every single day.” – Emma Felker, Medill freshman

    “My tour guide told me she went into Chicago twice a week and, I was like, 'What? How is that even possible?'” – Ceci Marshall, SESP freshman

    “My tour guide said people hang out on the lakefill all the time, but in reality that’s for like a month and then it gets windy and you want to leave.” – Taylor Sheridan, Weinberg freshman

    “I remember my tour guide said that during finals they heard this huge, long, slowly emerging scream. They made it seem like the primal scream was this huge thing, but it’s really not.” – Maddy Kaufman, Medill freshman

    “My tour guide told me that in terms of where you live there’s no divide between north and south campus. But I’ve found that in the winter months especially it was hard to keep up friendships that are a mile apart.” – Madeline Greene, Medill freshman


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