Smooth sailing in the parking lot

    Photo by Mindy Zacharjasz / North by Northwestern.

    Bill Strausser and his son Sean spent their Sunday afternoon practicing their windsurfing skills — in a parking lot.

    Windsurfing on a skateboard, known as landboarding, is a great way to practice windsurfing when the water gets to cold, Bill said.

    “We just got big skateboards and mounted the sails,” he said.

    Bill, who has been windsurfing since he was about 30, began landboarding about 10 years ago.

    “[To be a windsurfer] you have to be sort of like a fireman. When the wind is good, you just have to drop everything and go. I couldn’t do that anymore,” he said.

    But the wind was good on Sunday for landboarding so Bill brought his son Sean, 13, out for his first try.

    “It’s hard, you need a lot of patience,” Sean said.

    He began windsurfing about three years ago at camp. The best part, he said, is going fast. For his first time out, Bill said, Sean is doing pretty well.


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