Six-word senior theses

    "Chicago = jazz capital. Suck it, NYC."
    - Stephen Rees, sociology

    "Russia to Kyrgyzstan: Let’s be exclusive. ;)"
    - Sam Ide, political science

    "Tasting carbohydrates temporarily increases self-control."
    - Sandeep Jain, psychology

    "High school sucks, especially for chicks."
    - Julia Anaya, communication studies

    "Architecture. Music. (Re)constructing Barcelonan Catalan identity."
    - Maris O’Tierney, art history

    "Wow...I academically analyzed video games?"
    - Justin Wu, anthropology

    "Numbers describing gun violence are complicated."
    - Alex Glancy, MMSS and anthropology

    "Wow. Much neurodegeneration. Sleep. Very important."
    - Maria Rozo, biological sciences


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