Sincerely America camps out, proposes "brothel law" amendment
    Sincerely America painted the Rock to draw support for their "brothel law" amendment. Photo by author.

    New student advocacy group Sincerely America painted the Rock all in orange for the second time in two weeks Wednesday night, but this time they did it to rally for a specific cause. While their first paint job went hand-in-hand with last week's "Tea Party to Occupy the Rock," the group's break-out event, this time they've come out in full force to propose an amendment of Evanston's controversial "brothel law."

    "The tea party to occupy the Rock was really just sort of a debutante for us," said Weinberg senior Will Feinberg, a co-founder of Sincerely America. "We wanted to follow it up by getting active, and we wanted to start by choosing a local issue that's important to all of us."

    Members of Sincerely America literally camped out at the Rock, braving wintry weather to sleep in tents all around it Tuesday and Wednesday night. Members stood outside their tents asking passersby to sign a petition to restrict enforcement of the infamous housing ordinance to people over the age of 25.

    The multi-day event, which the organization called "Intencity," was planned to "advocate for the rights of all students in Evanston," Feinberg said.

    Sincerely America had originally planned to co-paint the Rock with the Korean American Student Association — both groups guarded the Rock before Wednesday night — but by Thursday morning, the entire Rock and surrounding wall were covered in the shade of bright orange that has become Sincerely America's signature.


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