Danny Did founders take the stage

    Dancers were visited by a few familiar faces toward the tail-end of Block 5 Sunday: representatives of the Danny Did Foundation, last year's DM beneficiary. Danny Did Founder Tom Stanton took the stage after a short introduction video of Charlie Duffy, a young boy whose family is associated with the foundation, dancing to Michael Jackson's "Thriller." Along with a few words of encouragement for dancers, Stanton detailed the impact of the massive check given to Danny Did in one year ago.

    "We wanted to let you know that all the sweat and joy you put in last year went toward important epilepsy research at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago," Stanton said. "The awareness you raised also helped us pass the Danny Stanton SUDEP law in Illinois, one of only two laws of its kind."

    Before having Duffy toss out a handfull of Danny Did Foundation T-shirts into the cheering crowd, Stanton voiced his support for his organization's successor, Team Joseph, and the work it's doing.

    "We're so happy to welcome Team Joseph into the club of DM beneficiaries," Stanton said. "Just like Danny, Joseph is a boy who's helping make the world a better place."


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