Sei cambiato

    Photo by Laine Kaehler / North by Northwestern

    Words are prohibited. So are photos. Only silence lives.

    You walk down a small, old corridor and stop before a door. You wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. You finally enter, stepping into another world. The air is different. You just stepped into…

    You look around and stand in awe. Where to look, where to look? Look up or ahead, look up or ahead? Don’t miss the sides. Don’t miss the floor. Don’t miss anything.

    No words allowed but no words needed. Speechless, motionless. Remember to breathe.

    Take in the stories. Find what you have seen in books. Remember everything you have learned. Look at the creation. Stare. Stare at the hands. They almost touch but don’t. You want to touch but can’t.

    Walk around making sure you get everything, but stop because you never want to forget this feeling. Look or feel. Look or feel. Maybe take in?

    You need to leave. Stay any longer and you will never leave. It will become too much and will not leave the same impact. Stay any longer and it will become normal. It will never mean the same to you; it will lose its beauty, if that’s possible.

    Step back into reality. It’s different now. Nothing is as beautiful as before. Everything is different. You leave with an experience. You judge everything based on it. You try to walk back into your normal life, but you can’t. You are changed.


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