Roundtable: What should be considered a good season?
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    Stanley Kay: So the first question I want to pose regards Northwestern's season as a whole. I think for the last couple of years fans have expected tournament-caliber teams from the 'Cats, which you can argue is somewhat unrealistic because Northwestern has never made the tournament. What should we consider to be a "good" season for Northwestern? Making the tournament? Making the NIT? 20 victories total? Kim, what do you think?

    Kimberly Alters: Obviously, I think making the tournament should always be the ultimate goal. Northwestern sports tend to show a trend of blowing winnable games, then showing they can compete with the best (think Ohio State) before they outdo themselves, so to think we can make the tournament is not totally ridiculous. But, to be realistic, I think a "good" season is making the NIT. We should never think doing worse than last year is "good." Winning the NIT? Great. Making the tournament? Outstanding.

    Max Jones: I don't necessarily think Northwestern is at the point where as a program the NCAA Tournament is a relevant barometer for success. It feels that way because for the second straight year we have an all-time Northwestern great about to graduate (this year in Shurna, last year in Juice) without making that leap, so we tend to look at the season through their eyes. If you look at the program as a whole, the signs continue to point upward: Postseason play at all is now the standard, and NCAA play a possibility. The way the recruiting scene is shaping up for the next few years, the outlook for the program is absolutely positive (the 2012 class in particular has depth and variety, and the eligibility of TCU transfer Nikola Cerina puts it over the top), but we're not at the point yet where we can start thinking beyond the NIT as a reasonable expectation.

    Kit Fox: I completely agree with Max. It seems in these past few years, success or failure is simply determined on whether the 'Cats make the tournament. For a number of other programs, that may be true;  for some of the powerhouses, anything less than the Elite Eight is a failure. I think for NU, it's all relative. I think a "good" season for us is simply an improvement on last year's record and an NIT bid. Going to the NCAA tournament is unlikely but would be a huge success for the 'Cats. Shifting to women's basketball, I think the team has much more potential. The 'Cats did lose their star center, Amy Jaeschke, but they have adapted and are looking to play a much faster and free-flowing game — which should suit them a lot better. I think it is a tough but realistic goal for the women's team to make it to the tournament this year.

    Max Jones: Don't get me wrong, the NCAA tournament is a realistic possibility for the men, too. But we're in a class of program right now with the Michigans and Minnesotas of the world, middling conference programs that can boom or bust from year to year. This is a huge improvement, historically, but even those schools don't necessarily measure success by the NCAA tournament EVERY year. To put it more succinctly, this is all moot until we make it.

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