Rock evidently part of 47 percent
    Photo by author.

    In a final effort to advertise their candidates Wednesday morning, Shao-Stewart campaign members painted the candidates' now-ubiquitous speech bubble logo on the Rock. The candidates, Victor Shao and Brad Stewart, were ultimately fewer than 200 votes shy of being elected ASG president and vice president, respectively, during Wednesday's election.

    "We've been campaigning for weeks, and this is our last big push to get the word out and remind people to vote," said Weinberg sophomore Lauren Hall, who guarded the Rock on Tuesday night. "For the election we wanted this to be at the center of campus so we could really try and get people involved."

    A runoff election will be held Friday pitting Shao and Stewart against Kameron Dodge and Steven Monacelli, who earned nearly 33 percent of the total vote Wednesday.


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