Sincerely America invites all to paint the Rock


    The NU Rock as painted by Sincerely America

    Photo by Stephanie Lo / North by Northwestern.

    Students everywhere were encouraged to help decorate the Rock Friday after new student organization Sincerely America gave it a full wash in orange. The group painted the Rock as part of its first ever official event, a "tea party to occupy the Rock." 

    Three Northwestern seniors co-founded Sincerely America several weeks ago as a political action group aiming to promote student involvement in local politics and national service. The group's mission is to inspire action and advocacy among students, no matter what stance they choose to take.

    "We basically represent all the normal people who deeply care about our country and are tired of people telling us to be extreme," said SESP senior Alessio Manti, a co-founder of Sincerely America. "We don't have a convenient narrative like the Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street...we want to be a medium through which people can stand for their beliefs and express themselves." 

    In the future Sincerely America plans to hold voter registration events and a "flashmob for community service."


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