College Republicans to host former Congressman Rick Santorum

    Mark your calendars, aspiring politicians. Rick Santorum is coming to Northwestern this Wednesday. The former Pennsylvania Senator and 2012 Republican presidential candidate will be speaking on national security in a College Republicans event at Fisk Hall at 8 p.m.

    Santorum served in the House of Representatives from 1991 to 1995 before being elected to the Senate and serving for 12 years. In the 2012 Republican primary elections, Santorum won 11 states including the Iowa caucuses and received the second-most votes nationally behind eventual nominee Mitt Romney.

    Santorum is known for his conservative positions on social issues, including abortion and same-sex marriage, as well as being a devout, practicing Catholic. He also served on the Senate’s Armed Services Committee, making him uniquely qualified to discuss national security in his lecture, College Republicans said in a statement.

    “NUCR is also happy to continue their tradition of presenting the Northwestern University community with diverse and varying opinions which may otherwise be absent from campus dialogue,” the statement said. “They anticipate Sen. Santorum’s discussion of national security to do just that.”

    Santorum is the group’s annual fall speaker. Last year’s event featured Allen West, a political commentator, retired Army lieutenant and former member of the House of Representatives from Florida.


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