ReFusionShaka will rock ya'

    Photo by Sunny Kang / North by Northwestern

    Way more fun to watch than it is to pronounce, ReFusionShaka is a collaboration show between three of Northwestern’s premier student dance groups: Boomshaka, Fusion and ReFresH. Promised to be more beats than your body can handle, we have you covered on the details you’ll need to know for this show.

    The groups

    Each of these groups has its own distinctive style of dance. Boomshaka is a dance and drumming ensemble – think of STOMP with contemporary dance elements. Typical items to rhythm with? Trash cans, poles and chains.

    Fusion Dance Company focuses on hip hop styles, but its members bring in elements from their experience with other forms such as jazz, tap and ballet. The company is in its 10th year and has choreographed pieces such as “Sexy Boy” at this year’s ReFusionShaka.

    ReFresH is a street-style dance crew that highlights freestyle aspects in addition to choreography, such as a swag piece in ReFusionShaka. As a dance crew, they mostly feature in other groups’ productions and have people audition for individual shows rather than a place on the crew.

    “Everyone brings different styles to the table,” said Suzanne Hutt, Boomshaka member and Communication senior. “There’s certain numbers that are just our individual groups doing our individual thing and there are other pieces that have been written by different people in the three groups to be taught to a combination of people in all the groups.”

    The exec board of ReFusionShaka, which brings together two representatives from each dance group, has been preparing for the performance since summer began.

    “We just want to put a show together where Northwestern’s good, top hip hop teams can come together in fall quarter," said Sang Park, Fusion member and Weinberg senior. “Do a show where everyone can enjoy not only one type of dance, but all three.”

    Pieces to look forward to in the show

    “’Angry Choreo’ by a [Weinberg sophomore] in ReFresH called Rachel Gladney. She’s a phenomenal dancer, she has great choreography, a lot of anger in that dance. So, just by watching it, people get pumped up.” –Sang Park, company manager of Fusion Dance Company

    “People should really be excited for the diversity of the different styles of dance. These kind of balls-to-the-wall kinds of things where we all just rock out together” –Suzanne Hutt, artistic director of Boomshaka

    “I think my favorites would probably be waacking and house. Waacking is this like vogue dance mix that kind of originated in drag show houses in New York. House is a lot of footwork, very bouncy” –Jasmine Hubbard, president of ReFresH and Weinberg senior

    Be on the lookout for

    Boomshaka— Spring show in mid May. Original dance and music written by Boomshaka members.

    Fusion— Annual spring show in May.

    ReFresH— Celebrasia, Feb. 9, KASA (Korean American Students’ Association) show


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