Project Runway Recap: "Raw Talent"

    The writers’ strike has left me with little to do these days, on top of the eight inches of snow outside and my general laziness. That’s why Project Runway is such a gift at a time like this. And since NUTV doesn’t offer Bravo, I think North by Northwestern needs some recaps.

    So, since this is a recap, this is your only SPOILER ALERT. Leave if you don’t want to know who gets auf’d.

    Still here? Awesome. Or, as Christian would say, fierce.

    Could Tim take these girls? Don’t answer that. Photo courtesy Bravo TV.

    Not so fierce? This week’s challenge. In an over-the-top display of product placement, the challenge had the contestants create a look for a WWE Diva. Here’s my question: Why would WWE want to advertise on Bravo? Not exactly a target demographic when the network’s key show used to be Queer Eye For the Straight Guy.

    Anyway, the Divas described their personalities, which ranged from “sex kitten” to “girl next door” to “tomboy girl next door.” Keep in mind, these “girls next door” were wearing little more than spandex dental floss, so I don’t know how they do the “All-American Girl” thing. Let’s put the “quotation marks” to the side and see how everybody does with this challenge.

    To be honest, only two looks wowed me, and those belonged to cuddly, tacky bundle of joy Chris March and generally bland but talented Jillian. The rest were just off, and it makes sense – come on, these are gown designers! Still, there was a whole bunch of crap going on, including Sweet P’s weird glittery robe thing and Ricky’s bathing suit with fishnets.

    But as Heidi says, one of them wins, and one of them is out. And for once, I believe there was some justice in this week’s episode.

    The winning and losing looks. Photos courtesy Bravo TV.

    Congratulations: Chris, whose own leopard-print shirt perfectly matched his design. Not going to lie, the look was pretty great, and everyone knew it.

    Auf Wiedersehen: Ricky, whose teary, bad hat-wearing self finally got sent home, and for good reason. Even though he won last week, this week he just didn’t have the vision. Sweet P’s outfit was horrid too, but at least it fit the job description.

    Quotation of the Week: “My (Diva name) would be Ferosha Coutura, and her move is she sprays girls in the eyes with hairspray.” -Christian, obviously.

    Runner-up: “I feel like a priest in a sex club.” -Michael Kors, on judging a WWE Diva challenge.

    Next Week: It looks like this could be the final challenge, which is odd since there are five contestants left. Maybe we’ll have a four-person Fashion Week like last year. The preview seems like this could be a cool challenge, since someone mentions it’s a “designer’s dream.” See you next Wednesday!


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