Phi Kappa Psi braves snow, sweatshirt turbans to paint Rock

    Phi Psi Rock

    At 10 p.m. Thursday night, two prospective brothers of Phi Kappa Psi were enduring freezing wind and snow to guard the Rock for their fraternity. By the time they painted Phi Psi’s letters and colors on it their tent was buried in icy snow, but a steady application of rock salt and the use of a wide tarp had helped them keep their stone canvas paint-ready.

    “We thought it might snow, but we didn’t think it would snow all night,” said a Weinberg freshman who said he was pledging and had a sweatshirt wrapped around his head while he helped guard the Rock Thursday night. “All the wind made this whole process really miserable and exhausting.”

    Sunday, believing this article to be in error, an editor changed it from its original published version. This version, updated Monday Jan. 16, represents its final edit. NBN regrets any resulting confusion. Photo by the author.


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