NU laptop stickers and the stories behind them
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    Sticker Project

    You look up from your phone in Norbucks and see many things: the hustle and bustle of the nonstop coffee rush, misspelled names on venti lattes, that one egg chair that has never not been occupied...and, of course, stickers. Lots and lots of stickers. They adorn water bottles, backpacks and notebooks. But perhaps the most popular sticker canvas is the laptop.

    More and more people are decorating the tops of their computers with stickers. They’re an attractive purchase for college students, fulfilling our need to be unique, sentimental and aesthetic at around a dollar a pop. For many, they act as more than stickers – like clothes, hair or nails, they’re extensions of our personalities.

    Everyone has stories to tell. Many tell them through stickers.


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