NU in 60 Seconds: May 20

    In spite of the stresses Northwestern students love to whine about, being hunted by a pack of hyenas probably isn’t one of them. Commiserate with Simba and company at Mayfest and A&O’s Lion King sing-along. It’s free and will be at 9 p.m. on the Norris East Lawn. Hakuna Matata!

    Rainbow Week continues promoting LGBTQ issues today with a bonfire at the firepit on the Lakefill. Check it out at 9 p.m. — there’ll be free food.

    For some, Star Trek was a show. For others it became a lifestyle. If you’re one of the latter (no judgments here) or just an enthusiastic viewer, go watch George Takei, aka Mr. Sulu, speak at 7 p.m. in Tech auditorium. It’s free and being put on by the Asian Pacific American Coalition.

    If you’re one of the few kids on campus who’s not counting down the days ’till summer, it’s probably not for want of more time to hang out in Tech. If it’s the fear of you and your significant other spending the next three months apart, seek comfort at a long-distance relationship seminar by CAPS. You can “discuss creative ways to communicate and ways to create balance in your life,” or learn how best to make googly-eyes across state lines, from 5 to 7 p.m. at 619 Emerson.


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