NU in 60 Seconds: April 9

    If you’re preparing for a career by enjoying the relative poverty of an unpaid internship, you can get a $2,000 grant for the summer from University Career Services and the Northwestern Alumni Association. An information session will be held at UCS at 620 Lincoln St. at 4 p.m.

    Spending time in the great outdoors always sounds intriguing, but if you’re too lazy to actually participate in an activity, then stop moaning about our sports scene and go watch our top-ranked women’s lacrosse team play against Notre Dame at 6 p.m. at the Lakeside Field. It’s free with a WildCARD.

    The French can make anything sexy, even a “self-referential, meta-fictional study.” Head to Block Cinema at 8 p.m. for Sex is Comedy. It’s a French movie about a director who, while trying to film a sex scene, gets fed up with the actors and decides to, in a manner of speaking, finish the scene herself.

    Giving positive feedback may sometimes backfire, according to research by the psychology department and Kellogg. It turns out that praising someone’s decision-making abilities might frighten them into finding reasons to recommit to and defend even ill-considered decisions they’ve already made.


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