News you might have missed: Nov. 24, 2013

    NU professor emeritus dies

    Bennett Reimer, a professor emeritus in the music department, died at his home in Wilmette on Monday after a life of advocating for music education. He joined the Northwestern faculty in 1978 and established the Center for the Study of Education and the Musical Experience. His two dozen books, including textbooks and works on the philosophy of music education, have furthered music education at the K-12 level. Reimer was 81.

    "Norway" celebrates official grand opening

    The Subway in Norris celebrated its grand opening Thursday with free prizes and a 12-foot sub. By 11:30 a.m., when the two-hour festivities began, about 40 students were waiting in line to spin the prize wheel and win free sandwiches, tote bags and Munch Money gift cards. Subway's soft opening was Oct. 3.

    First anniversary of James Foley's disappearance

    Journalist James Foley, who disappeared while reporting in Syria, has now been missing for a year. Foley earned his master’s degree from Northwestern in 2008. He was freelancing for GlobalPost last year when he disappeared Nov. 22, 2012 – Thanksgiving Day – about 12 miles from the Turkish border in northern Syria. There has been no contact with him since. Foley was also captured and held in Libya for 44 days in 2011.

    Net zero energy Walgreens opens

    A net zero energy Walgreens opened in Evanston on Thursday, and is considered the first such store in the country. It boasts an underground geothermal system, two wind turbines and nearly 850 solar panels. According to the company’s website, the store will generate more energy per year than it will consume. It is located at 635 Chicago Ave.

    Ali Pelczar contributed reporting.


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