NU dedicates new musical arts center
  • Morton Shapiro gives Patrick G. and Shirley Welsh Ryan a gift for their support.
  • Officials, including Morton Shapiro, Henry S. Bienen, the deans and more, participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
  • President Morton Shapiro shares his gratitude to the faculty, students, administration and donors for their support.
  • The reception after the program was complete with food, drinks and desserts.
  • Leigh and Henry S. Bienen, the president emeritus, thanked all the donors.
  • The Dean of the School of Communication, Barbara O'Keefe, talked about the impact the building has on the School of Communication students and the Northwestern community.
  • Bienen seniors Madison Leonard and Alexander York performs "Crudel! perche finore" from The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart with Alan Darling playing the piano.
  • The Dean of the Henry and Leigh Beinen School of Music, Toni-Marie Montgomery, spoke about the history of the development of the new music building.
  • Students, faculty, donors and guests came to the Art Circle to view the new Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Center for the Musical Arts.
  • After the program, students led guests throughout the new building designed by the Chicago-based architectural firm Goettsch Partners.

Students, faculty, donors and guests arrived at Pick-Staiger Concert Hall at 4 p.m. for the dedication ceremony of the new Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Center for the Musical Arts. The program kicked off with a welcome from William A. Osborn, the retired chairman of the Board of Trustees. The program included remarks from Toni-Marie Montgomery, the dean of the Henry and Leigh Bienen School Music, who spoke about the history of the new music building and its significance for the future. The program also included remarks from Barbara O'Keefe, the dean of the School of Communication, who spoke about the various effects of the new music building has on the students and the Northwestern community.

In the middle of the program, Bienen senior soprano Madison Leonard, Bienen senior baritone Alexander York and faculty member pianist Alan Darling performed "Crudel! Perche finora" from the opera The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart.

President emeritus Henry S. Bienen, senior lecturer of the School of Law Leigh Bienen, trustee Patrick G. and Shirley Welsh Ryan, and Northwestern president Morton Shapiro also spoke. The ribbon-cutting ceremony, which took place in front of the new music building, followed the remarks. Tours of the building, as well as a reception complete with food and beverages, then occurred.


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