1. A student explored the difference between traveler and tourist during her travels to New Zealand and this country last summer Israel
2. Northwestern community members received results from a survey about sexual ____ through an email sent on Monday misconduct
4. Real Food at NU gave students the chance to roast marshmallows on the ____ on Wednesday night lakefill
6. First name of the presidential candidate that spoke at the University of Chicago on Monday Bernie
8. Students gathered in this residential hall Monday to discuss the debut of Trevor Noah, new host of The Daily Show CRC
3. These items covered Deering Meadow on Monday to raise awareness for students struggling with mental health backpacks
5. The proper icebreaker to avoid an awkward moment when working out ninja
7. Students and staff commented on this religious official's effect on social change following his visit to the US last week pope
9. What Tre Demps would be if he were a drink ice water
10. The super blood moon, part of a rare lunar ____, hung over the skies of Evanston last Sunday eclipse
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