Lumpkin, Abrahamson and Olah on crossovers, haircuts and Dave Sobolewski dunking

    Sanjay Lumpkin, Kale Abrahamson and Alex Olah comprised Northwestern's 2013 recruiting class, one that former head coach Bill Carmody hoped would help the Wildcats make their first ever NCAA Tournament. It didn't work out as planned, and with Chris Collins now leading the way, things are a lot different. North by Northwestern caught up with the three of them to talk about rule changes, their excitement about the season and what's changed going into this year.

    Sanjay Lumpkin, redshirt freshman guard/forward

    What’s something new for you this season?

    Something new this year is playing. Last year I broke my wrist, I had mono. I didn’t even play last year. I’m just really excited to play. I know we got Drew and JerShon sat out, and we got a couple other guys that redshirted. I’m just happy to be out and playing, and can’t wait to get started this season. Wednesday we [had] the exhibition game for Lewis and we start on Saturday for real. Start the journey. We got a new coaching staff, and everything’s new. Everything’s new, and we’re set to go.

    If you could change any rule, what would you change?

    Say, if you dunk on somebody, it’s worth more than two points. If it’s really bad, over a seven-footer, you get like four points. Somebody around your height, maybe three points. I can see a four-point line, but I think that’d be pretty dumb.

    Kale Abrahamson, sophomore forward

    So if you could change any rule, what would you change?

    We should have four points for NBA threes, I think, at least. Or something. Let me shoot from farther, right? At the end of a game like five points, something crazy. Like if you get fouled shooting a half-court shot, five points automatic.

    Sanjay came up with something about dunking.

    Oh, if [Sobolewski] dunks, twenty points.

    What’s something new for you this season?

    Something cool about me? I got my haircut. Everyone thinks that’s crazy.

    That was the first thing I noticed. So no more flow?

    We’ll see. It might make a comeback.

    What are you looking forward to most this season?

    Just the opportunity for another season. I mean, the Big Ten is great, it’s always great. I love playing them, especially away games. Going to Michigan, going to Ohio State, Michigan State. I love traveling and seeing new places. It’s going to be fun. It’s a great conference.

    Alex Olah, sophomore center

    If you could change any rule, what would you change?

    I can’t think of anything serious. Let’s say ... if you cross somebody over and they fall down, and you score and you make the basket, you also get a free throw.

    Anything you’re looking forward to most this season?

    Win every game. Just go out there and battle everybody and win. It’s all about winning.

    Anything new about you this year?

    I’m a skinny guy now. I run fast. I’m a gazelle. I’m a big, seven-foot gazelle.


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