Lost: "Namaste" and "He's Our You"


    Matthew Fox wears a ’70s Polo shirt like a pro. Photo courtesy of ABC.

    Lost: “Namaste”

    Who spent their spring breaks watching the DVDs of the last four seasons? I know you did, don’t lie.

    This episode begins with the part of the plane crash after the flash that we didn’t see. Sun doesn’t get pulled off the plane by the flash into the ’70s – only Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid did. Basically, this raises the question: Why are the producers of Lost all sadists? Can’t Sun and Jin just be reunited already?

    Sawyer and Juliet help to facilitate the integration of the plane survivors into DHARMA before they’re tagged as Hostiles. Jack gets assigned to janitorial work, Juliet tries not to hate Kate because of her past with Sawyer but ends up helping her out.

    Christian Shephard explains to Sun what happened to Jin and everyone else, showing her the picture of DHARMA from the ’70s.

    Sayid, who was wandering through the jungle, is captured as a Hostile and imprisoned in one of the DHARMA stations. Lastly, little Ben Linus shows up.


    Hurley to Jin: “Dude, your English is awesome.”

    Hurley: “Kong… I actually missed that.”

    WTF Moments:

    Tree branch, meet pilot. Pilot, meet a cruel and gory death as per Lost tradition.

    The baby is named Ethan. Would it be cruel to stab a baby with a tree branch now just to get the inevitable over with?

    The face of pure evil. Photo courtesy of ABC.

    Lost: “He’s Our You”

    In this episode, we somewhat switch back to the old format of character-centric, flashback-ridden episodes. This story is Sayid-centric: We finally learn why he’s getting on a plane to Guam since he was detained by a bounty hunter posing as a seductress. Seems like a pretty flimsy excuse for getting Sayid on that plane, but hey, he got there.

    The first flashback is baby Sayid in Iraq, unflinchingly killing a chicken, apparently showing the audience that killing is in his nature.

    Back on the Island, little Ben kindly brings an imprisoned Sayid a sandwich and asks Sayid to help him escape. We shortly learn why he’s so anxious to escape; his father treats him terribly.

    Another flashback shows Sayid after completing the tasks that Ben set for him; upon realizing that he’s killed everyone he needs to, he looks lost and confused. Supposedly another example of why Sayid is a killer.

    Sawyer comes to Sayid’s cell multiple times to convince him to “join the party in Dharmaville,” but Sayid staunchly refuses and that forces Sawyer to allow the other DHARMA members to torture Sayid into telling the truth. They accomplish this by feeding him what appears to be a hallucinogen, but what I’m convinced is actually Veritaserum. He tells them the truth and they all think he’s gone batshit insane.

    Ben Linus kills his father in a burning bus, and Sayid and Ben escape from the compound into the forest. After Jin finds Sayid, Sayid beats up Jin and then shoots baby Ben.


    Most Accurate Description (of anyone, ever)
    Ilana: “Who’s Benjamin Linus?”
    Sayid: “He’s a liar, a manipulator, a man who allowed his own daughter to be murdered to save himself, a monster responsible for nothing short of genocide.”

    Finest Sarcasm
    Sayid: “A twelve-year-old Ben Linus brought me a chicken salad sandwich. How do you think I’m doing?”

    Best Breaking of the Fourth Wall
    Hurley, regarding Juliet and Sawyer: “I thought it was kind of obvious. I mean, who couldn’t see that coming?” (Um, I didn’t see it coming, but apparently all the rest of the Lost fans thought it was obvious.)

    WTF Moments:

    There was really only one in this episode, but it was a doozy: Sayid shooting baby Ben Linus. Mostly because it brings up the question: Can you really change history like that? If Ben Linus is dead, isn’t it kind of like killing Hitler? You kind of just can’t do it.


    How are they going to get out of the ’70s and escape the fate of the DHARMA annihilation?

    Why didn’t Sun get pulled into the ’70s?

    What happened to Faraday?

    If baby Ben is dead… what happens now?


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