LOST: "316"

    OMG it’s Frank without a beard, WTF. Photo courtesy of ABC.



    LOST opens this week with the classic eye-shot of Jack that appears to have been taken almost directly out of the first episode. The “this is the first episode” farce continues for a bit longer and we see Jack jump in the water to save someone with a guitar – every fangirl ever screams “CHARLIE!” – but it’s Hurley. Still, it could be a part of the first episode that we weren’t shown… but then, Kate is there, and Jack knows Kate by name, and the farce is over. They’re back on the Island. But how the hell did they get there?

    This episode was pretty low on both WTF-moments and funny/good quotes, but was incredibly necessary to bridge the gap regarding how they get back to the Island. Basically, this episode was good, but the next one’s going to be amazing.

    So, we go back to Eloise in the church. She takes them to a Dharma station in the church, where they learn that it’s one of the electromagnetic connecting pockets of energy that’s on the Island, and it uses magnetic energy, or magic or voodoo or something, to find out where the Island is… in time (the dramatic sound effects following that pronouncement were completely unnecessary. We know the Island’s moving through time already, it’s not that cool). But, basically the Island is constantly moving. That’s why they could never get rescued.

    They gather as many of them as they can to get on the flight, and somehow all six of them end up on it. In a huge “awwww” moment, Hurley uses his vast wealth to buy 78 of the seats on the flight, in the hopes that fewer people will ultimately die if the plane crashes again. Sayid did not get on this flight voluntarily; for some reason, he’s been arrested and this arrest requires that he get on a flight to Guam. (P.S. This makes NO FUCKING SENSE. Even if he’d previously committed a crime in Guam, they’d extradite him to his home country.) He’s being held by an Ana-Lucia doppelganger.

    Once they’re over the Island, something resembling The Flash occurs and suddenly we’re back to where we started in the beginning of the episode. No crash. (Maybe ABC just didn’t have the budget for it.) They just suddenly appear on the Island. It “took” them! Weird.

    Oh, and Jin shows up at the end wearing Dharma Initiative clothing and driving the van that Hurley discovered the season before. So… guess we’re not in the present time… The End.

    P.S. I just watched one of those “Lost Untangled” things that ABC put up on the official site. Stupidest. Shit. Ever.

    WTF Moments

    WTF, Jack. Just read the fucking suicide note. It probably contains like, fucking instructions. JUST READ THE FUCKING NOTE ALREADY.

    WTF, Ben’s deep religious undertones. Now we’re supposed to find the Jesus character in the… oh shit, I just figured it out. Locke is Jesus; Jack is Doubting Thomas (man of faith, man of science, man of faith, man of science).

    Random introduction of Jack’s “Granddad” just so Jack can get a pair of shoes, WTF. That guy doesn’t look old enough to be Christian Shephard’s father.

    Frank the helicopter pilot returns! But no, really, WTF.


    Best Goosebumps: Eloise: “Desmond, the Island isn’t done with you yet.”

    Best Scene Overall: “You will never ask me about Aaron. Do you understand, Jack?” Why do I pick this quote by Kate? Because beforehand, she’s an emotional wreck and an example of the best acting that I’ve seen out of Evangeline Lilly. And then immediately after, she basically jumps Jack and they have one of those “we’re broken up, but we’re really comfortable with each other so we’re just going to hook up ’cause, who knows, we’ll probably die tomorrow” things. Awesome.

    Biggest Asshole: Jack: “There are other people on this plane. What’s going to happen to them?” Ben: “Who cares?”

    Only Funny Moment in Episode: Jack to Ben, who is reading a book on the plane back to the Island: “How can you read?” Ben: “My mother taught me.”

    Most Obvious: Frank: “We’re not going to Guam, are we.”

    Questions Remaining

    Who is Eloise/Faraday’s mom? Why is she helping them? How does she even know all this stuff in the first place?

    What happened to Aaron???

    How does Locke come back to life and what are the repercussions of having been dead?


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