It wasn't just the squirrels. NU was busy too.

    You were probably too busy scanning the sidewalk for fliers this week, but in case you hadn’t noticed, flowers are starting to peek through the soil. Squirrels are running about, resuming their usual level of shenanigan-filled activity. This week, Northwestern was busy, too.

    Lots of people pretended to be politically important and/or active this week in the face of ASG elections. The general consensus is that no one really cares, but at least all the campaign chalk was pretty to look at on the walk to Harris. As a major plus, I think it made my prospie think NU is livelier than it usually is.

    As far as the best campaign strategies, NSG wins ‘Best Slogan’ (read: the only slogan I remember, ”NSG for ASG”) and Mark Crain lost brownie points in my book because both of the Dum-Dum lollipops he gave me were cotton candy flavor. Yechhh! (And yes, this how I judge candidates. How about you?) Now, who won again?

    The rage over A&O’s big sellers is slowly dying down, as each performance receives less and less media coverage. This week Andy Samberg of SNL’s infamous “Dick in a Box” sketch performed. Ironically enough, that’s about the only thing I would buy scalped tickets to see.

    Five Northwestern professors received Guggenheim fellowships this year. The John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation grants an average of about $40,000 to each recipient to aid research and creative freedom. Hopefully they’ll pool the money to bring Cake back to Dillo Day.

    Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Paddy Murphy week, a philanthropy event, combined two great passions of the Greek community: competition and reputation-boosting community service. I’m just wondering where the wet t-shirt competition was… next year, perhaps?

    We were all delighted to know that dorms will be equipped with wireless internet next year. No word yet on whether the wireless in classrooms will be improved so we can keep playing FreeTetris in class without interruption.

    Walking campus tours of tightly packed young’uns and their parents were a common sight this week. At such sightings, Northwestern students campus-wide felt the urge to prank or commit ostentatious and inappropriate actions. We don’t encourage or endorse that kind of behavior, but here are some ideas if you ever feel so inclined.


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