Inspired by Sound: What I wish I could tell you
    This is part of our series called “Inspired by Sound,” where writers use a song as the muse for their story. This piece by Elissa Gray takes influence from "Boardwalks" by Little May.

    I need you to be there when I walk down the aisle

    because you were there when I couldn’t even tie my shoes

    you gave me a future but always reminded me of the past

    you loved me when I cried more than I smiled

    do you remember when I only ate fruity pebbles?

    or when you bought me the stuffed bunny that was bigger than me?

    I know I no longer can fit on your lap

    and that my bed is more often empty than not

    but I still wear your sweaters when it gets cold

    and listen to your music box when I feel scared

    I need you to be there when I walk down the aisle

    because I know that I can never walk alone


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