♫ I'm dreaming of a white…Rock ♪
    Tufaan Paints the Rock

    Tufaan Entertainment whitewashed the Rock Sunday night to advertise "Dance World," a competition members will be hosting between seven dance groups on campus. Performing groups featured will include Anubhav, Boomshaka and Graffiti. University President Morton Schapiro and Dean of Students Burgie Howard have been tapped to judge the performances.

    Tufaan Entertainment, a student group whose stated mission is to bring the arts and culture to Northwestern and the Chicagoland area, will be giving away prizes both to the groups participating in "Dance World" and to audience members who attend the show.

    "[Dance World] will be a great opportunity to see all the cultural performers at Northwestern," said Medill junior Sharon Paravastu, the media design chair of Tufaan Entertainment. "And it'll be a really good way for students to interact with the administration."

    "Dance World" will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 28 in Ryan Auditorium. Entrance will cost $5 to students, the proceeds from which will go towards various local charities.


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