Here comes the sun
    Photo by John Meguerian / North by Northwestern

    The 1972 classic single “School’s Out” by Alice Cooper describes the pure, unadulterated glory of summer. Unfortunately, now we’ve reached that age when a typical summer also includes long hours at a job or internship, despite Cooper’s anthem of summer independence.

    But what happens if that business internship falls through, or your father’s company can’t even hire you for those three months? As much as it seems your life is over, don’t panic. Take a peek at these suggestions to create what could be the best, most fulfilling summer of your life.

    Be a professional blogger. No, not one of those “what type of bagel I ate today” blogs. Instead, think about your favorite class or an activity you’d want to explore more. Dedicate your days to playing with that idea, then post the details for your loyal minions to read. If you’re diligent about it, chances are you’ll attract attention from future employers as well. Log on to or to get started, and search the “Ivy Sneakers,” “Vandy Right” and “The Arizona Desert Lamp” blogs for inspiration.

    Pull a Wet Hot American Summer — minus the debauchery, of course. There’s a camp out there for every interest — be a counselor for one! Check for a debate or chemistry day camp near you, or volunteer at a special needs camp, like the one run by 2009 Dance Marathon’s beneficiary, Project Kindle ( or Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times ( for kids who have or have had cancer.

    Travel. Every college student dreams of backpacking across Europe or hitchhiking down Route 69. Why not go for it? Spend the beginning of break planning and budgeting before you take off. Start at, a travel website written by college students exclusively for college students, to check out travel destinations, tips and interesting events happening between April and September.


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