Harsha Maddula's body found in Wilmette Harbor
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    Updated at 11:34 p.m.

    Wilmette Police recovered the body of McCormick sophomore Harsha Maddula, who had last been seen Friday night, from the water in Wilmette Harbor, University spokesman Al Cubbage announced Thursday night.

    Police recovered the body east of Sheridan Road shortly before 7 p.m. between two small boats, Cubbage said. Police say there were no signs of foul play or indications of danger to the local community.

    Maddula’s cell phone, and his wallet containing his WildCARD, were found on his body. The periodic signals sent by the phone Saturday morning, Cubbage said, were “consistent with someone walking.”

    “As to why the body was found today and not yesterday…I don’t know,” Cubbage continued. As is standard procedure for any non-natural death, he said, a full investigation will be conducted to uncover more details surrounding his death.

    President Morton Schapiro, who is now in New York, released a statement to the Northwestern community upon hearing the news.

    “On behalf of Northwestern University, I extend our deepest sympathies to Harsha’s family and to his many friends at Northwestern. Our thoughts are with them,” Schapiro wrote. “I also would like to thank Northwestern University Police and all the other law enforcement agencies and fire departments that were involved in the search for Harsha during the past few days. Their work, along with that of our Student Affairs staff, and the tremendous show of support from our students demonstrates clearly the compassion and commitment of the Northwestern family.”

    Cubbage said there will be a “commemoration by the campus community,” but plans have not yet been finalized. “Obviously the first priority was to notify the family and then let the campus community know after that.”

    Maddula is survived by his parents, Prasad and Dhanalakshmi Maddula, and a large extended family.


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