Haley and Chris build up their campaign
  • A big banner for the campaign sprawls across the small ARTica Studios floor.
  • Chris Harlow visited ARTica Studios to check on the campaign progress.
  • Armed with a ruler, Medill senior Samantha Meltzer paints the precise lettering on the banner.
  • Haley Hinkle and Chris Harlow appeared on WNUR Friday and talked with the other candidates about their goals and ideas.
  • Weinberg sophomore Ajay Nadig paints a base coat of one of the Build Up Boxes
  • Campaign managers as well as volunteers came to help paint the banner and the Build-Up Boxes.

On the small floor of ARTica Studios lies a big tarp with a group of about six people painting banners and boxes. One of the banner reads, "Haley & Chris build up Northwestern."

ASG presidential candidate Haley Hinkle and and vice presidential candidate Chris Harlow are continuing campaigning for the ASG presidential election with the help of their campaign managers and staff.

"We are trying to get people to engage with Haley and Chris and have them tell us what they want to build up around campus because it is important for us to know what campus is feeling," said SESP sophomore Bella Sandoval, one of the campaign managers, who is in charge of the operational aspect of the campaign as well as outreaching to the student population.

The campagin efforts have included chalking and making banners. Haley and Chris also appeared on WNUR and spoke with the other presidential and vice presidential candidates, respectively Noah Star and Christina Kim, on Friday. The campaign has also included taking photos of students holding white boards with changes they want to see and making what they call build up boxes.

"Right now we are painting our build up boxes to get people involved and to hear students' opinions," said Weinberg sophomore Isaac Rappoport, the other campaign manager. "The entire point of the campaign is to get in touch with the average student and make sure they know that we are hearing them."

Haley and Chris will be appearing in debates Monday and Tuesday evening with Noah and Christina.


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