GuiltE! Pleasures: Summer Preview

    Tonight, E! premiered two new summer reality shows: Denise Richards: It’s Complicated and Living Lohan.

    First, Denise. I never really had thoughts about Denise Richards one way or the other. After seeing the first episode of It’s Complicated, I think she’s a bimbo. The show is suppose to offer insight into her life, to dispel the rumors from the tabloids. Thus far, however, it seems as though most of the tabloid rumors are true and she’s just an idiot to boot. This isn’t to say she won’t make good TV. Actually, she might just fit in quite nicely with the E! family. Her shenanigans and bitching will get old fast, though, if there’s no drama to fuel the series.

    Fortunately, there appears to be no lack of drama in Lohan. The series is apparently going to center around Ali Lohan’s budding career and mom Dinah’s bitch monster tactics with managers, producers and paparazzi. Basically, the Lohan women are confrontational bitches and the men (from what I’ve gathered thus far) would rather shy away from the limelight. This combination worked well in KUPtK, but can the Lohan’s pull it off? Mostly, I think it will just rely on outrageous displays to pull in audiences. That can work though…even though I dare say viewers will find themselves embarrassed for the loud-mouthed Dinah.

    Overall, the summer realitE! lineup is more promising than I would have given it credit for. You have ditzes and bitches, what more do you need for some guilty 3 a.m. viewing pleasure in the middle of July? Not much really.

    Don’t worry, even if It’s Complicated and Living Lohan are busts, there are sure to be plenty of reruns of proven E! gems.


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