Going back in time to 1975

    Smoking in class. Drinking Wild Turkey bourbon in Norris. Taking golf as an elective credit. Things were a little different back then, as Wally Symcak puts it.

    “Back then” is 1975, when a group of Northwestern students, members of Men Off Campus (MOC), decided to make a time capsule. What started as a whim grew into a tradition and for roughly a decade, the men of MOC (and women of WOC) contributed to a time capsule that they kept safely hidden in the ceiling of their commuter lounge in Norris. When the commuter lounge was relocated, the time capsule was forgotten, left in the ceiling of what is now the Norris student staff office. On April 26, it was rediscovered, much to the surprise of its creators, who thought it long gone.

    “It became like a Holy Grail,” Symcak (Weinberg ‘75) says. “It was like it didn’t really exist, but it was legendary.”

    Reporting and production by Kayleigh Roberts / North by Northwestern. Photography by Emily Chow and Katherine Tang / North by Northwestern.


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