Game of Thrones: "Garden of Bones"


    Photo courtesy of HBO.

    For anyone requesting more shock value and disturbing moments in Game of Thrones, look no further than this episode. There are extremely squeamish scenes involving torture with rats, torture with whips and the birth of what appears to be the villain from Ferngully.

    Arya and Gendry have found themselves in a torture chamber in Harrenhal, where one member of their group is killed every day. The method of choice is a bucket with a rat inside. The bucket is placed against the victim’s stomach, and fire is applied causing the rodent to go bat-shit crazy and eat its way into the victim. Scrumptious.

    King Joffrey continues to outdo himself in treachery and sheer disgusting behavior, as he threatens to kill his own fiancé Sansa. Tyrion steps in to save her and decides to order the king a pair of prostitutes so as to lessen his anger issues. To say this plan backfires is a gross understatement. Joffrey proceeds to use one of the two women left for him in his chambers, to torture the other one with a whip and some monstrous rod.

    Tyrion takes another backhanded step to potentially claiming the throne. He knows that Lancel Lannister is making whoopee with Queen Cersei in privacy. So Tyrion threatens to publicize this information unless Lancel spies on the queen for him. Obviously, Lancel relents so as to avoid the wrath of psychopath Joffrey. Tyrion continues to prove his intelligence and ability to manipulate those around him. And it’s a joy to watch him do it.

    Renly Baratheon encounters his brother Stannis at Storm’s End, where the two argue over who deserves to usurp the throne. They are fighting against a common enemy, but Renly believes that the support of his troops will ensure a victory for him.

    Tywin Lannister shows up at Harrenhal just as Gendry is about to be subjected to the daily rat luncheon. He informs the torturers that they must use the prisoners for labor as opposed to killing them. Tywin also immediately notices that Arya is a girl, and assumes her as his cupbearer.

    Daenerys Targaryen and the Dothraki arrive at Qarth, which is some fortified golden city oasis. She is confronted at the gates by the Thirteen, a ragtag group that protects the city. They inform her ad nauseum that Qarth is the best city that ever was and will be, demanding that she reveal her dragons in order for them to grant her entrance. Daenerys refuses and eventually she and her people are allowed inside the massive gates despite one merchant’s refusal.

    And then there’s the last scene. Melisandre, the redheaded weirdo sorceress who is bearing Stannis’ child, gives birth to a shadow creature, which resembles a plume of charcoal smoke. It’s one of the stranger things I could fathom watching, even after trolling Reddit. I suppose this is Stannis’ secret weapon that he believes will ensure his victory. The series keeps getting denser with plot and character development. It seems pretty obvious that a huge war is impending and that Joffrey is simply going to get his ass kicked. The Qarth storyline is really intriguing, especially considering how it might be woven into the other things that are ongoing. Besides that, it’s always a thrill to see shadow creatures grow up. It happens so fast.


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