Reasons to get excited for Flosstradamus on Dillo Day

    As if this year’s Dillo Day needed to get any hipper, Mayfest just announced that they’ve signed the Chicago DJ duo known as Flosstradamus to play tracks before and after Broken Social Scene takes the stage on Saturday. This is exciting. Why? Well…

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    In other words, they’ve got the tunes to turn the Lakefill into a part-rave, part-mosh-pit, part-juke-hall dance party. Sure, the “indie rock meets ultra-thumping dance/hip hop track” formula isn’t exactly fresh anymore, and Northwestern got to experience its most innovative form when Girl Talk came to campus. But the two DJs in Flosstradamus are among the best mash-up artists because of their pop instincts: Your first reaction to most of their tracks will be to grin, your next will be to dance, and then you might get a little flustered that you can’t get what you just heard out of your head. Ask anyone who’s seen the them at their countless number of shows in Chicago over the past few years — it’s gonna be fun out there.


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