Five fun fast facts about Jerry Springer

    These days Jerry Spinger is probably most notable for his hosting of the exceptional television show Baggage, but the graduate of Northwestern’s law school has more on his resume then terrific programming. He has been directly involved in history and is a multiple-Emmy winner. Not bad for a 71-year-old.

    1. Springer was born in 1944 at Highgate tube station in London. The station was being used as a bomb shelter from Nazi soldiers at the time.
    2. He served as the 56th Mayor of Cincinnati from 1977-1978.
    3. WWE Raw had him on as a guest host on February 15, 2010, and then had him back on September 8, 2014 to intervene in a match with the Bella Twins, because wrestling.
    4. Springer guest-starred on a 1996 episode of The X-Files.
    5. He’s been married to his wife Micki Velton for over 40 years. Whataguy.


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