Four old-school fashion styles at NU

    Bug-eyed sunglasses, skinny jeans, polka dots … what is happening to our 21st century fashion? Has modern fashion hit a wall? All of a sudden we are facing an attack of our parent’s closet on the street.

    Of course, we go to Northwestern and all we (are supposed to) care about is surviving another boring econ class. But I’ve see people looking stylish on campus — even in Tech. I braved the nasty weather with my digital camera to get a glimpse of our campus fashion trend: retro!

    Click each picture and mouse over to read more.

    Flash production by Mindy Zacharjasz.

    What is being fashionable inevitably all about? Is it about looking dressed up or up-to-date? Turns out, it is neither.

    “Just make sure that it looks right,” said Sean Massich, a sophomore in the School of Music and WCAS. “Don’t wear some crazy tight jeans with some retro 1930s (clothes). Use your imagination, have fun but make sure it looks good.”


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