Dress up right for Dillo Day

    Dillo Day — the one and only fun day at Northwestern — is this Saturday. Yes, this is the time to show off the alcohol tolerance you cultivated drinking in your dorm all winter. Dillo Day is judgment day for Northwestern’s collective liver.

    However, let’s not forget that we have a life after Dillo Day. No, bear with me, I am not affiliated with the housing office or Evanston police in any way, nor am I trying to convince you to abstain from drinking or having fun.

    But as an, ahem, upperclassman, I thought I may as well throw out some humble words of wisdom to the freshmen: the Dillo Day dress code.

    1. Be sure to wear lots of sunscreen. Emphasis on lots.

    Although the weather forecast says we have a high chance of rain on Saturday, be sure to put on layers and layers of sunscreen before you go outside. Whether you start your day classy with a glass of champagne or trashy with Busch Beer, you will be drunk outside for many, many hours. Last year, many people suffered from sunburn and had to deal with their skin peeling off during Finals Week. That doesn’t make for an attractive send-off.

    2. Wear your swimsuit underneath your clothes

    If the weather is warm enough and you’re confident with your body, I encourage you to walk around in your Speedo or bikini. I mean, isn’t that what spring is all about? Anyway, if you’re semi-normal and planning to go in the water at some point during the day, wear your swimsuit underneath your clothes so you can save one trip back to the dorm.

    3. Wear colors and patterns — not plain white shirts

    Sorry, boys. Not to discourage freshmen girls from having a wet t-shirt contest on Dillo Day, but wear colors and patterns for practical reasons. Now, you may ask why. Let the old speak: You will be drunk throughout the day. Either you or your friend will spill drinks on yourself. You don’t want to deal with alcohol stains when you’re hungover on Sunday afternoon.

    4. Have a few outfits ready

    Trust me, as long as you are an active participant in drunken debauchery and Dillo Day activities, you will be changing throughout the day. Remember not to wear anything expensive: Your clothes will get soaked in fresh Lake Michigan water, rain, sweat and alcohol.

    Dillo Day is short but life is long. Make long-lasting memories in your mind, not on your clothes (with alcohol) or body (with awkward tan lines). Happy Dillo Day!


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