Drinking Game of the Week: Drink while you think

    Last week’s game was kind of complicated, so this week’s will be straightforward. Two rules, no extra supplies, and if you forget the rule, all you need to know is the name of the game. Plus, this game will finally make all that time you’ve spent reading Perez Hilton and People magazine seem worthwhile, even if only for an hour.

    People in a circle

    The Game:
    One person starts by saying the name of a celebrity, historical figure or well-known fictional character. Examples of acceptable responses include Scooby-Doo, Michael Jordan, Calvin Coolidge and Karl Rove. The next person in the circle must then start drinking until they think of someone whose first name starts with the same letter of the last name of the person that was previous said. So if someone said Bill Cosby, an acceptable answer would be Colin Farrell. This continues around the circle.

    You can reverse the direction of the turns by saying someone whose first and last name starts with the same letter or someone who only has one name. Susan Sarandon or Cher send the drinking back to whoever sent it to you, but Oprah’s last name is Winfrey — so the drinking continues in the same direction. This rule can create battles of drunken wits between two people who refuse to stop drinking until they have thought of a name to reverse the drinking direction.

    The general rule to who counts as a response is if the majority of the people in the room know who they are. So if you are in a journalism crowd, Frank Rich and Bill Kristol count. Theater majors can get away with Mary Zimmerman, and biology students can blurt out Gregor Mendel. The game has it’s own twist for every new group of people you play with.

    This may seem obvious, but you have to keep drinking while you are thinking of a name. People tend to forget this and stop drinking in frustration. Make it your job to remind them exactly what game they are playing. There is also no real end to this game, so when it devolves in to a discussion about whether Britney Spear’s Blackout has any redeeming qualities or if George Stephanopoulos would make a good Hiphopapotamus, it’s time to stop.

    Drink of the Week: Ice Cream Genius

    By Natalie Southwick

    Yes, it sometimes snows in Evanston when it should be spring. Now get over it. There are far more important ice-related events this time of year, anyways. Yes, folks, I’m talking about the glory that was Tuesday’s Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry’s. There are few things in life better than ice cream, and VERY few things more exciting than getting something for free. Combine the two, and you getting something like bliss. Ice cream does more than just decorate cones, though. Here’s a fun and simple yet delicious drink to help you dispose of that extra scoop (or three).

    Ice Cream Genius


    • 2 oz amaretto
    • 1/2 cup orange juice
    • 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream

    Directions: Blend all ingredients together in a blender (good luck stealing one of those from Sargent). Serve in a cocktail glass.


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