Degu: the secret society

    Degu. You’ve always heard the name spoken in hushed tones. You have friends who know all about Degu. No big deal, they say. Stop worrying about it. But you’ve done some sleuthing and taken to the Tumblrs. From what scanty evidence you could find, you’ve compiled some photos. You’re ready to share them with the world. Ladies and gentlemen…


    “Degus should be kept in groups or in pairs. They need each other to feel secure and happy. No human can replace what one Degu means to another Degu.”

    “Degus fight. It’s used to establish dominance, set the social hierarchy, and express dislike. This behaviour is normal among all creatures, and is present in the cage as much as it would be in the wild, possibly even more as their is less territory to control and more (sexual) frustration.” — From

    Degus tend to mate exclusively with one another. A-Degu-racha!

    “Using treats as positive enforcers, you could train your Degus to do anything, like responding to voice commands, and some have even been known to have been trained to use a toilet tray.” — Ibid.


    To think, we were too busy on Facebook to notice the Degu threat. Surprise!


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