Deals for Dillo

    If one thing's certain about Dillo Day, it’s that Northwestern’s collective decision-making abilities quickly become horrifically impaired. While this can lead to some not-so-good decisions (passing out in Fisk, am I right?) there’s always the possibility that your dumb choices can lead to the best decision ever made: drunchies.

    Thankfully, Evanston businesses are well-aware of our vulnerable state come Saturday, and they’ll happily cater to our weakened mental states. Here are some specials being offered by Evanston businesses, although there’s certainly no shortage of restaurants willing to take your money even without offering a Dillo special.


    Long catering to NU student demands – particularly last year with the decision to stay open until 10 – it's no surprise that the burger joint would serve up a Dillo special. This year, it's a new burger called the "Holy Guacamole Burger," and features dry-aged beef, guacamole, chorizo queso fundido, charred corn pico de gallo and crispy tortilla strip. Certainly more enticing than awkwardly running into an ex in the mosh pit.

    Distance from the Lakefill: 1.2 miles

    Time from the Lakefill: 24 minutes

    Price: $9

    Vegatarian friendly: No

    Acceptable level of drunkness: Fairly drunk. Edzo's is definitely the more casual of the two burger joints, and a lot of people will probably pass through on the way to drink more. Drunkenly buy an Edzo's shake and you may never make a better decision again.


    Much like Edzo's, DMK is offering up their own special burger. This one's known as the Dillo Dunker and features grass-fed beef, with buffalo sauce, blue cheese dressing and bacon. In addition, sharing a photo of your meal on social media can net you a free t-shirt, certainly a good option should you fail to make it through the day without vomiting all over your frat tank.

    Distance from the Lakefill: 1.3 miles

    Time from the Lakefill: 25 minutes

    Price: $10

    Vegatarian friendly: No

    Acceptable level of drunkness: Fairly small. While there will certainly be plenty of drunk people at DMK come Saturday, the slightly more "sit-down" atmosphere makes it harder to justify coming in clearly hammered. It'll definitely happen, but you don't want to be that guy at DMK.

    Lyfe Kitchen

    For all the vegetarians out there, the desirability of a drunken cheeseburger is lower than our expectations for Evanston to give us warm weather this weekend. With that in mind, Lyfe Kitchen is the perfect place for a midday pause. 

    Distance from the Lakefill: 1.2 miles

    Time from the Lakefill: 23 minutes

    Price: $5 ($2.50 with discount)

    Vegatarian friendly: Yes

    Acceptable level of drunkness: Fairly drunk. They're running this promotion two days for a reason: with half-off smoothies all day Saturday and Sunday, you can both spike a Mango Cucumber Lime smoothie to keep the good times rolling Saturday or nurse that shockingly resilient hangover Sunday with a Kale Banana smoothie.


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