Curing "spring quarter fever"

    As students flock back to Evanston for round three of the school year, "spring quarter fever" begins to set in. Symptoms include nostalgia for your responsibility-free Spring Break, jealousy of your friends who are already finishing up their semesters and dwindling motivation to do, well, anything. Whether you spent your break in a tropical paradise, in the midwestern snow or in bed, that taste of vacation makes it near impossible to do anything but dream of summer. But, like most maladies, with the right playlist or the right diversion you can ride your spring break bender to the end of the quarter. Here are some cool tricks to try (on campus or from the comfort of your bedroom) to extend your spring break energy - at least until Reading Week comes around.

    For the One Actually Trying to Get Work Done

    Switch out your standard mellow indie study mix for this upbeat playlist, and channel the relaxation/warm weather/youthful energy of spring break in a productive way! This playlist features breezy tracks that will bring back memories of (or longing for) a weeklong paradise in your respective Caribbean island nation, as well as some recently released electronic earworms to get your energy back up.

    For the One Who Is Still Procrastinating

    If moving on is not for you and you would rather pretend you're still on spring break, why not get back in the mood? Pick a movie or a TV show to remind you of the days when you could get away with guilt-free binge watching. The perennial classic “Spring Breakers” is a good movie to get you in the dubstep-infused, generational scrutinizing mood. Looking for a TV show to assert your autonomy from academic obligations? Kick off your spring quarter of solitude by binge-watching “Fresh Off the Boat!” The new sitcom about life as an Asian American is a hit with social justice warriors and casual TV watchers alike. It will also feel somewhat productive, because you’ll be refreshing your arsenal of pop culture references.

    For the rest of us

    Okay, maybe spring break is over and you’ve accepted it, but school is just not vibing with you. You need the right combination of fun distraction and intellectual stimulation to get over this bout of "spring quarter fever." Lucky for you, NBN understands your struggle. What better study break than a visit to the Block Cinema! The Block has just unveiled their Spring Film Series, featuring The Last Supper, a collection of films incorporating themes of race, class, and inequality in our justice system. Beginning May 1st, you can see any of the six films or accompanying exhibit (featuring paintings inspired by the last meals of death row prisoners) for free, including a showing of The Passion of Joan of Arc, with live music accompaniment! Wear your thick-rimmed glasses, grab a coffee, and set your inner highbrow free for an afternoon. A trip to the Block will give you just the right amount of spring break-y relaxation without the morning-after guilt from going out. 


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