Chatting with NU art lover Allison Putnam

    Each week, 20 Questions features a Northwestern student artist in a Q&A format.

    Just like NU Decides, the College Republicans and the College Democrats, Allison Putnam, Weinberg junior majoring in both Art History as well as in Art Theory and Practice, wants to see more students involved — but the Weinberg junior wants that involvement to be with art.

    As Art Director of the Dittmar Gallery in Norris, she’s planning a student workshop with artist Sarah Ross that will be held on Oct. 18 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Gallery.

    Allison Putnam / Photo by Calyn Guberman.

    What is this student workshop you’re running and what would participants be doing there?
    Sarah Ross is an incredible artist. At the workshop we will be taking the objects currently on display in the gallery and activated them in the community. I believe Sarah is bringing another artist to talk about contemporary problems that Sarah’s work addresses.

    Why did you organize it?
    To make contemporary art available and fun for NU students, people who are interested in the arts and people who are just curious about the problems that face contemporary culture.

    You do art too. What do you do?
    I’m in an installation class right now, but I do large oil paintings also.

    If you couldn’t do art ever again, what would you do?
    I’d probably be pre-med like everyone else.

    If you had to take someone in a fight, who would it be and why?

    My roommate, Drew. He’s pretty hard-core.

    What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?


    What do you eat late at night?


    Where are you from?
    Nashville, Tennessee.

    What is the best thing about it?
    The music scene is pretty awesome, but there is this popsicle stand on 12th Avenue that changed my life.

    What’s the best sex or dating tip you’ve received?
    While you’re on top of someone you should probably cover their face with your hands and scream, “Don’t look at me!”

    What’s your worst addiction?
    Magazines. I spend far too much money on art magazines. It’s becoming a problem.

    How often do you go out?

    What? like out of my apartment? Everyday.

    What do you hate about Northwestern?

    The Rock, and fliers.

    What’s the weirdest thing about your body?
    I feel like you shouldn’t ask a 20-year-old that question, especially a chick.

    Favorite pick up line?

    You got a purdy mouth.

    What’s the last thing you did that you regret?
    Spending $30 at Whole Foods

    What’s been your luckiest moment?
    When there isn’t a line at the laundry machines.

    Which MTV reality show would you be on?
    I don’t really watch MTV. What reality shows are there? I’d love to be on the Cosby Show.

    How do you feel about nudity?

    I’m for it.

    In a haiku, why should people go to the student workshop?
    Yeah, so I don’t write poetry, but come to the workshop on Saturday. It’s an opportunity to meet some really interesting people and activate some really interesting work.


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